Category New legislation

Main amendments in civil proceedings

BOE no. 11 of 12 January 2024 publishes the validation agreement of Real Decreto Ley 6/2023, which approves urgent measures for the implementation of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan for the public service of justice, civil service, local government…

Services of Company Director are not levied by VAT

The judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union (Case C 288/22) of 21 December 2023 answers two questions for preliminary rulings on the interpretation of certain articles of Council Directive 2006/112/EC in relation to the common system…

Royal Decree 817/2023 on Artificial Intelligence

Royal Decree 817/2023, dated November 8, 2023, establishes a controlled testing environment for assessing compliance with the proposed Regulation of the European Parliament and Council concerning harmonized standards in artificial intelligence. Effective from November 10, 2023, and valid for a…

The new regulation of structural modifications (RDL 5/2023)

BOE Nº154 of 29 June 2023 publishes Royal Decree Law 5/2023 (RDL), which deals with a series of heterogeneous matters, including structural modifications of commercial companies. The sole repealing provision of the RDL repeals Law 3/2009, and replaces the regulation…

Royal Decree 571/2023 on Foreign Investment

BOE No. 159 of 5 July 2023 published Royal Decree 571/2023 of 4 July on Foreign Investments, which will enter into force on 1 September, with the aim of implementing Law 19/2003 of 4 July on the legal regime governing…

RD 249/2023, of April 4th, on cryptocurrencies

It is worth this quick note to mention the obligation that RD 249/2023 (art. 3) introduces in RD 1065/2007 (General Tax Management Regulation), adding a new Article 39 bis, which imposes the obligation on Spanish exchanges to submit (i) an…

Short analysis of the Judgment about form 720

The Judgment of the First Chamber of the CJEU of 27 January 2022 (C-788/19), which has been widely publicised, declares that Spain violates European Union law – and specifically Article 63 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European…

The foreseen “Planes de Reestructuración”

The Draft Bill on the Reform of the Consolidated Text of the Insolvency Law for the transposition of Directive (EU) 2019/1023 on preventive restructuring frameworks introduces significant reforms to insolvency law, which mainly concern the regime of exoneration of unsatisfied…

Act 10/2021 on Teleworking

The BOE nº164 of 10 July 2021 publishes Act 10/2021 on Teleworking, as a result of Royal Decree-Law 28/2020, of 22 September, which, after being validated by the Congress of Deputies, has been passed as a draft law. Remote work,…


Act 5/2021 of 12 April amending the revised text of the Capital Companies Act, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1/2010 of 2 July, and other financial regulations, with regard to the promotion of long-term shareholder involvement in listed companies. The…